
  • Hey Leutz!

    Wärt ihr so nett und würdet mal meinen englischen Text durchlesen und mir sagen, was ich daran verbessern könnte?

    Wäre nett von euch!
    Danke schonmal im Voraus!


    In Germany the kindergarten is voluntary (freiwillig) and is visited with the finishing of the year of one's life (Lebensjahr). After the Kindergarten the children go with the finishing of the 6. year of one's life to the Grundschule. There they learn 4 years long and after it they decide with a recommendation of the Grundschule (Grundschulempfehlung) whether they change to the Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium oder Gesamtschule. But with the change to the Gesamtschule no recommendation of primary school is necessary. On resuming schools (weiterführende Schulen) pupils must repeat the school year by having two times a five (2 mal eine 5) in to subjects or one time a six (1 mal eine 6) in one subject. The schooltime amounts to (beläuft sich auf) 13 years and ends consequently/thus (somit) with the 19. year of one's life. German schools are often half tag schools (Halbtagsschulen) which end at 13 o'clock and have only one or two times weekly instructions in the afternoon. Up to the Oberstufe which have usually each day instructions in the afternoon. Carrying school uniforms is no obligation. Work are divided (eingeteilt/benotet??) into the marks 1-6. and in the Oberstufe into the points 0-15. Up to the first school year you receive Halbjahreszeugnisse and Ganzjahreszeugnisse in a form of a text which not come in (eingehen) on the school achievments but also with the social behavior of the pupils. The first obligation foreign language (Pflichtfremdsprache) is usually English it begins in the 5. class and is teached up to the respective closing (jeweiligen Abschluss). In the Realschule you has the possibility of selecting a second foreign language starting from the 7. class. On a Gymnasium is it obligation. Besides on the Gymnasium can be selected a 3. foreign language . There are three different closing: Hauptschulabschluss, Realschulabschluss, Abitur. The Abitur makes the study at a academy/college respectively (bzw.) at an university possible.

    Nur weil jemand gestorben ist heißt das noch lange nicht,dass er gelebt hat.

  • Oh je.... Das sieht nach Übersetzungsmaschine aus bzw. nach wortwörtlicher Übersetzung des deutschen Textes. Das funktioniert allerdings nicht, denn das Englische hat eine ganz andere Grammatik, also insbesondere 'nen anderen Satzbau; dann sind da noch diverse Formulierungen, die sich eben nicht so wortwörtlich übersetzen lassen, weil es sie im Englischen so schlicht nicht gibt. Einzelne Dinge kann man hier nicht verbessern, weil quasi kein Satz korrektes Englisch ist.

  • Hi.

    Ich habe deinen Thread ins Schulforum geschoben.

    Ich bin deinen Text durchgegangen und habe die Sachen, die mir vom Sprachgefühl falsch vorkamen, verbessert. Der Text ist nun sicherlich immer noch leicht fehlerhaft. Du hast zum Teil Wort wörtlich übersetzt, was natürlich nicht der englischen Grammatik entspricht, aber auch inhaltlich wirkt das ganze ziehmlich aneinander gereiht und entspricht zum Teil nicht den Tatsachen. Du solltest dir gewisse Punkte raussuchen, die du näher beschreibst.
    Z.B. hast du es so dargestellt, dass man sitzen bleibt, wenn man zwei Fünfen hat. Du hast allerdings nicht gesagt, dass diese zwei Fünfen auf dem Zeugnis sein müssen.
    Man kann übrigends Englisch in der 11 abwählen, also ist es nicht bis zum Abschluss verpflichtend.

    Wenn dir Wörter nicht einfallen, frag LEO, da werden Sie geholfen. ;)

    Ach, Absätze sind für den Leser sehr von Vorteil. *anmerk*

    Zitat von Vorläufige Korrektur

    In Germany the Kindergarten is voluntary and is visited by children at the age of 3 to 6. After the Kindergarten the 6-year-old children go to “Grundschule”. There they learn writing, reading and the basics of Maths. After four years they get a recommendation of their “Grundschule” deciding to which type of school each pupil will switch. In Germany there are the following main types of school: “Hauptschule”, “Realschule”, “Gymnasium” or “Gesamtschule”. (Changing to the “Gesamtschule” no recommendation of primary school is necessary.) On resuming schools pupils must repeat the school year if they get two fives (E) or one six (F) on their school report.
    If pupils decide to make their “Abitur”, their school time amounts to 13 years, so in general pupils leave school at the age of 19. Otherwise they get their “Mittlere Reife” after overall 10 years of school.
    German schools are often half-day schools ending at 13 o'clock and having only one or two times a week lessons in the afternoon. Except for the “Oberstufe” whose pupils usually have lessons in the afternoon each day. Wearing school uniforms is no obligation.
    The done work is marked by the teacher with a number between one and six, where one is the best and six the worst grade you can get. In the “Oberstufe” the rating system is different. Pupil get points between 0 and 15, where 15 is the best grade. Up to the first school year each term you receive a school report including on the one hand the marks representing the school achievements and on the other hand a comment about your social behaviour.
    The first obligation foreign language usually is English and is taught from class 5 to at least the end of class 10. In the “Realschule” you have the possibility of selecting a second foreign language starting from the 7th class. In a “Gymnasium” this is obligatory. Besides in a “Gymnasium” a third foreign language can be selected. There are three different graduations: “Hauptschulabschluss”, “Realschulabschluss” which is equal to the O-Level and “Abitur”. The “Abitur” can be compared to the general qualification for university entrance and allows the pupil to study at an academy/college or at an university.

    Was war eigentlich genau die Aufgabenstellung? "Beschreiben Sie das deutsche Schulsystem?" :misstrau


    [COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER]Niemand weiß, was in ihm drinsteckt,
    solange er nicht versucht hat, es herauszuholen.[/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

  • Noch ne kleine inhaltliche Anmerkung: Die 13 Jahre gelten ja nicht überall. Das sollte man vielleicht erwähnen... gibt ja genug Bundesländer wo man sein Abi nach der 12 in der Tasche hat...

    [center]blinded by the absence of light


  • Viel lieben danke K@hi, deine Verbesserung klingt jetzt echt besser als mein Text!
    Der Text ist für den Vergleich unseres Schulsystems mit dem amerikanischen!

    Könntet ihr vielleicht noch diesen Text durchlesen!

    In America kindergarten is partly (teils) compulsive and is visited at the age of three. After kindergarten the children go, being nearly five years old, (Lebensjahr) to elementary school which takes (dauert) depending on the school arrangement 4-8 years for example Middle- respectively Junior High School which takes 3-4 years. They start visiting High School with approximately (ungefähr) 14 years and leave this school with the age of 17. The schooltime amounts to (beläuft auf) 12 years and repeating a class isn't possible. Bad pupils (pupils sind nur die kleinen schüler) are getting extra tuition (Nachhilfeunterricht) in order to be able to keep up with the other students. (um in der Schule mithalten zu können). At American schools you generally full-time schools which end approximately at 15 o'clock but a lot of students spend their afternoons there with free time activities (Vielzahl außerschulischen Aktivitäten) for example - football or cheerleading - students are often at school until approximately (meist bis ungefähr) 18 o'clock. School uniforms aren't obligatory but there is a so-called (sogenannt) "Dress Code" which means (besagt) that the students can wear what they want but it has got to abide(entsprechen) by certain rules. American schools don't need a recommendation of the primary school (Grundschulempfehlung) unlike (im Gegensatz zu) german schools. Exams are marked (eingeteilt/benotet??) with A,B,C,D,E,F. Other than (anders als) in Germany they take "Multiple Choice" tests which is written weekly. The instruction of foreign languages (Fremdsprachenunterricht) can be visited voluntarily (auf freiwilliger Basis) starting from the 7th class. At High School in some districts respectively federal states a foreign language is on a rather small extent (in einem eher geringen Umfang) mandatory. The students have nevertheless a quite huge choice of languages (for example French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Latin...). There is only one closing the High School Diploma. (keine ahnung wasde damit meinst -__- etwa das nur einer nen studienplatz bekommt?) If (da) the students of the different faculties (Fähigkeiten) reach the same closing the High School Diploma doesn't make their studies possible. In order to begin studies students must take to (unterziehen) an "aptitude test". There are two different tests, the SAT (Schoolbasic Aptitude Test) and the ACT (American College Test).

    Nur weil jemand gestorben ist heißt das noch lange nicht,dass er gelebt hat.

  • Ich habe Kahis text nochmal überarbeitet. Allerdings, wenn dies wirklich eine Übersetzung ist bräuchten wir mal den deutschen text weil hier jeder weiterarbeitet und dann vom Original nicht mehr viel übrigbleibt!


    In Germany the kindergarten is voluntary and is visited by children between 3 and 6 years of age. After the kindergarten the 6-year-old children go to “Grundschule”. There they learn reading, writing and the basics of maths. After four years they get a recommendation of their “Grundschule” deciding to which type of school each pupil should switch. In Germany there are the following main types of school: “Hauptschule”, “Realschule”, “Gymnasium” or “Gesamtschule”. (Changing to the “Gesamtschule” no recommendation of primary school is necessary.) On higher grade schools (i.e. Gymnasium and Realschule) pupils must repeat the school year if they get two fives (E) or one six (F) on their school report.
    If pupils decide to make their “Abitur”, their school time amounts to 13 years, so in general pupils leave school at the age of 19. Otherwise they get their “Mittlere Reife” after 10 years of school.
    German schools are often half-day schools ending at 1 o'clock (or 13.00 hours) and having lessons in the afternoon only one or two times a week except for the “Oberstufe” whose pupils usually have afternoon lessons each day. There are no school uniforms.
    The work is marked by the teacher with grades between one and six, with one being the best and six the worst you can get. In the “Oberstufe” the rating system is different. Pupil get points between 0 and 15, with 15 being the best grade. From your first year at school you receive a school report at the end of each term which include the grades you have achieved on the one hand and a comment about your social behaviour on the other.
    The first obligatory foreign language usually is English and is taught from class 5 to at least the end of class 10. In the “Realschule” you have the possibility of selecting a second foreign language starting from the 7th class. In a “Gymnasium” this is an obligation. Besides, in a “Gymnasium” a third foreign language can be selected. There are three different graduations: “Hauptschulabschluss”, “Realschulabschluss” which is equal to the O-Level and “Abitur”. The “Abitur” can be compared to the general qualification for university entrance and allows the pupil to study at an academy/college or at an university.


    In America kindergarten is partly compulsive and is visited at the age of three. After kindergarten the children who are now almost five go to elementary school which takes 4-8 years depending on the school arrangement, for example Middle- respectively Junior High School each take 3-4 years. They start visiting High School atapproximately 14 and leave this school at the age of 17. This amounts to 12 years and repeating a class isn't possible. Bad pupils (or students) get extra tuition in order to be able to keep up with the other students. In the USA schools are generally full-time schools which end approximately at 3 pm (= 15.00 hours) but a lot of students spend their afternoons there with free time activities (Vielzahl außerschulischen Aktivitäten) for example - football or cheerleading - students are often at school until approximately 6 o'clock (= 18.00 hours). School uniforms aren't obligatory but there is a so-called "Dress Code" which says that the students can wear what they want but it has got to be conform with certain rules.
    Unlike German schools American schools don't need a recommendation of the primary school. Exams are marked with A,B,C,D,E,F. Other than (anders als) in Germany they take "Multiple Choice" tests which are written weekly. Foreign language classes can be visited voluntarily starting from the 7th class.
    At High School in some districts respectively federal states a foreign language is mandatory on a rather small extent (in einem eher geringen Umfang) . Nevertheless, the students have a quite huge choice of languages (for example French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Latin...). There is only one graduation, the High School Diploma. (keine ahnung wasde damit meinst -__- etwa das nur einer nen studienplatz bekommt?) As the students of the different faculties (Fähigkeiten) reach the same closing the High School Diploma doesn't make studying possible. In order to begin studies students must take to (unterziehen) an "aptitude test". There are two different tests, the SAT (Schoolbasic Aptitude Test) and the ACT (American College Test).

    Ich hab den zweiten text mal überflogen. und korrigiert. Zumindest die gravierenden Sachen!

    Kurze Anmerkung zur Zeit. In England wird ja immer nur von 1-12 gezählt. Also Am und PM. Will man die Zeit im 1-24 Modus angeben sind das hunderter. Also 14.00 hours (sprich fourteen hundred hours)

    [CENTER]America is the only culture that went from barbarianism to decadence without the step of civilisation in between[/CENTER]


  • Hallöle,

    ich habe mir mal erlaubt einen Übersetzungs-Thread zu öffnen...
    Wie der Name schon sagt, könnt ihr hier Eure Übersetzung reinposten und die wird auf womögliche Fehler korrigiert.
    Finde die Idee eigentlich recht übersichtlich, da man schon im Titel erkennt, um was es sich handelt und man meiner Meinung nach somit auch schnellere Hilfe bekommt, von den jenigen die in Sprachen 1A sind :)

    Ich hab dann auch schon den ersten Text und würde mich über Verbesserungsvorschläge freuen

    LG, MissSixty

    You can see in the story "The dragon" from Cynthia Forder that the relationship between Kay and Bob is very difficult.
    On the one hand they are only friends because their mothers are friends, too. She doesn't really hate him but she doesn't really say that she likes him. The stories which Bob tells her doesn't interest her and she thinks that he's boring and stupid. At all they have very little in common.
    On the other hand Bob isn't all the same to her (ist ihr nicht egal) because she cries when Bob leaves. When he tells her the truth she feels wounded and it bother her that he can see through her. In any way she likes him because she doesn't want to hurt him with which she says and wouldn't feel guilty, when they talk about their relationship.
    In my opinion you can't say that they have a relationship because they don't have what arrange (ausmacht) a relationship at all. In my eyes they are both phonies and don't know what they want. I can't understand Kays behavior why she cries at the end when Bob leaves because he would have to be actually all the same to her. The situation between them is very difficult because we don't really know if Kay likes or hates Bob and I think that she doesn't know it, too. But in the end I think that she have more feelings for him than she would actually like.

    Nur weil jemand gestorben ist heißt das noch lange nicht,dass er gelebt hat.

  • Zitat von MissSixty

    You can see in the story "The dragon" from Cynthia Forder that the relationship between Kay and Bob is very difficult.

    Den Satz würde ich umstellen:
    In the story "The dragon" from Cynthia Forder you can see that the relationship between Kay and Bob is very difficult.
    klingt einfach besser.


    The stories which Bob tells her doesn't interest her and she thinks that he's boring and stupid.

    Da es sich auf stories, also ein Substantiv im Plural bezieht, muß es "don't" heißen


    At all they have very little in common.

    würd ich auch umstellen... "at all" an den Schluß setzen


    On the other hand Bob isn't all the same to her (ist ihr nicht egal) because she cries when Bob leaves.

    klingt seltsam, aber was besseres fällt mir auch grad nicht ein.


    When he tells her the truth she feels wounded and it bother her that he can see through her.

    muß natürlich bothers heißen


    In any way she likes him because she doesn't want to hurt him with which she says and wouldn't feel guilty, when they talk about their relationship.

    Meinst Du "auf jeden Fall"? Da würd ich einfach anyway schreiben


    In my opinion you can't say that they have a relationship because they don't have what arrange (ausmacht) a relationship at all.

    ganz falsches Verb - arrange bedeutet ausmachen in Form von arrangieren ;) Ich überleg nur grad noch was besser passen würde


    In my eyes they are both phonies and don't know what they want.

    Hm... das Wort hab ich noch nie gehört. Was heißt denn das? (dann kann ich auch noch was dazulernen XD)


    I can't understand Kays behavior why she cries at the end when Bob leaves because he would have to be actually all the same to her.



    The situation between them is very difficult because we don't really know if Kay likes or hates Bob and I think that she doesn't know it, too. But in the end I think that she have more feelings for him than she would actually like.

    3. Person Singular - has

    [center]blinded by the absence of light


  • Mir kommt der Text ein bisschen seltsam vor, habe aber nur zwei wirkliche Fehler gefunden. Ich glaube, es sind oft deutsche Ausdrücke drin, die es im Englischen nicht gibt. Die Sätzn, bei denen ich glaube, dass da ein Fehler sit, den ich aber nicht finde, habe ich kursiv gemacht.

    You can see in the story "The dragon" from Cynthia Forder that the relationship between Kay and Bob is very difficult.
    On the one hand they are only friends because their mothers are friends, too. She doesn't really hate him but she also doesn't really say that she likes him. The stories which Bob tells her doesn't interest her and she thinks that he's boring and stupid. At all they have very little in common.
    On the other hand Bob isn't all the same to her (ist ihr nicht egal) because she cries when Bob leaves (die Zeiten kommen mir komscih vor). When he tells her the truth she feels wounded and it bother her that he can see through her. In any way she likes him because she doesn't want to hurt him with which she says and wouldn't feel guilty, when they talk about their relationship.
    In my opinion you can't say that they have a relationship because they don't have what arrange (ausmacht) a relationship at all. In my eyes they are both phonies and don't know what they want. I can't understand Kays behaviour why she cries at the end when Bob leaves because he would have to be actually all the same to her. The situation between them is very difficult because we don't really know if Kay likes or hates Bob and I think that she doesn't know it, too. But in the end I think that she has more feelings for him than she would actually like.

  • Zitat von Livia

    I can't understand Kays behaviour why she cries at the end when Bob leaves because he would have to be actually all the same to her.

    Naja, ob mit oder ohne u is Ansichtssache - kommt drauf an ob man britisches oder amerikanisches Englisch schreibt.
    Hab aber ehrlichgesagt beim Rest des Textes nicht drauf geachtet, ob sie das eine oder das andere nimmt - weiß auch nicht, ob da noch entsprechende Wörter drin sind.

    [center]blinded by the absence of light


  • Oh, ein Thread für mich, als Fast-Muttersprachlerin, die für sowas später mal bezahlt werden möchte ^.^

    On the other hand Bob isn't all the same to her (ist ihr nicht egal) because she cries when Bob leaves.
    -> On the other hand, she cares about Bob [einfacher ausgedrückt, aber der Sinn bleibt erhalten] because she cries when Bob is leaving [man beobachtet es ja quasi selbst gerade, deswegen progressive].

    she feels wounded and it bother her that he can see through her.

    -> besser: she feels hurt, wounded ist mehr körperlich

    In my opinion you can't say that they have a relationship because they don't have what arrange (ausmacht) a relationship at all.
    -> they don't have a close relationship because their relationship lacks what would make it one. (denn irgendeine Beziehung zueinander haben sie ja natürlich)

    with which she says and wouldn't feel guilty
    -> with what she says and doesn't feel guilty

    In my eyes they are both phonies and don't know what they want.
    -> ganz übel, "phonies" sind extrem Irre und umgangsprachlich, besser etwas wie "both are strange"

    The situation between them is very difficult because we don't really know if Kay likes or hates Bob and I think that she doesn't know it, too.
    -> doesn't like it, either.

    Mhja, Grammatikfehler und kleinere Patzer wurden sonst schon von Dusk und Livia entdeckt ^^

    [CENTER]We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. (Anaïs Nin)[/CENTER]

  • Zitat von Ayako

    The situation between them is very difficult because we don't really know if Kay likes or hates Bob and I think that she doesn't know it, too.
    -> doesn't like it, either.

    Du meinst doesn't know it, either - oder?

    Aber mit Deinen Änderungen klingts von Ausdruck her gleich viel besser - und ich merke mal wieder wie dringend ich Übung bräuchte :D

    [center]blinded by the absence of light


  • Zitat von Ayako

    On the other hand Bob isn't all the same to her (ist ihr nicht egal) because she cries when Bob leaves.
    -> On the other hand, she cares about Bob [einfacher ausgedrückt, aber der Sinn bleibt erhalten] because she cries when Bob is leaving [man beobachtet es ja quasi selbst gerade, deswegen progressive].

    Eben gerade nicht Progressive. Das Progressive wird verwendet, wenn du etwas gerade machst.(Nicht, wenn wir dabei zuschauen.) Das kommt in der Vergangenheit ganz gut rüber, denn da wird eine längere Handlung, die von einer kürzeren unterbrochen wird, im Progressive ausgedrückt. (I was eating when the telephone rang)
    In diesem Fall haben wir zwei kausal voneinander abhängigen Handlungen, die auch beide zeitgleich passieren. Es liegt in der Vergangenheit, es gibt keine längere Handlung und von daher kann es kein progressive geben.

    Es müsste richtig heißen:
    On the other hand, she cares about Bob because she cries when Bob leaves

    [CENTER]America is the only culture that went from barbarianism to decadence without the step of civilisation in between[/CENTER]


  • Mh, ich denke, beides wäre möglich, hätte den progressive-Vorschlag besser lassen sollen...nur war die allgemeine Klage ja, dass es seltsam klingt.
    wenn man über ein vorliegendes Bild/einen Text schreibt, passiert es für den Leser/Beobachter doch gerade im Moment.
    Nicht drüber streiten, mein Bauchgefühl sagt, es geht, aber simple present is auch ok.

    @Dusk: äh ja, doesn't know it, either, sorry, war spät heute Nacht ^^
    Och, ich suche grad Nachhilfeschüler, bist herzlich willkommen :augdrück

    [CENTER]We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. (Anaïs Nin)[/CENTER]

  • Zitat von Ayako

    Mh, ich denke, beides wäre möglich, hätte den progressive-Vorschlag besser lassen sollen...nur war die allgemeine Klage ja, dass es seltsam klingt.
    wenn man über ein vorliegendes Bild/einen Text schreibt, passiert es für den Leser/Beobachter doch gerade im Moment.
    Nicht drüber streiten, mein Bauchgefühl sagt, es geht, aber simple present is auch ok.

    Du meinst du bist Muttersprachler(in)? Woher denn? Das könnte das nämlich erklären.
    Bei mir stellt sich bei Progressive alles auf. Natürlich passiert es für den Leser gerade jetzt, aber die Handlung, die beschrieben wird hat ja schon in der Vergangenheit stattgefunden, also ist es nicht mehr gleichzeitig. :)

    [CENTER]America is the only culture that went from barbarianism to decadence without the step of civilisation in between[/CENTER]


  • ^ ^ Zusammengeklaute Muttersprachlerin, bin ein Air Force-Quarter-Pub-Kind, daher sagt mein Bauchgefühl manchmal Dinge, die laut Schulenglisch nicht 100% korrekt sind *verbeug* Einigen wir uns auf simple present (ich wollte ja nur eine Alternative anbieten, die in meinen Ohren richtig klang).

    [CENTER]We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. (Anaïs Nin)[/CENTER]