Beiträge von derToteJack

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    Energizer Painting Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1
    If you ever are in a bad mood, just think of this energetic painting and you will feel fine again!

    Made by Merola64 for simchaotics Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 Energizer Painting Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 If you ever are in a bad mood, just think of this energetic painting and you will feel fine again!

    Made by Merola64 for simchaotics Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1
    Energizer Painting Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1
    If you ever are in a bad mood, just think of this energetic painting and you will feel fine again!

    Made by Merola64 for simchaotics Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 Energizer Painting Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 If you ever are in a bad mood, just think of this energetic painting and you will feel fine again!

    Made by Merola64 for simchaotics Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 Energizer Painting Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 If you ever are in a bad mood, just think of this energetic painting and you will feel fine again!

    Made by Merola64 for simchaotics Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 Energizer Painting Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 If you ever are in a bad mood, just think of this energetic painting and you will feel fine again!

    Made by Merola64 for simchaotics Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 Energizer Painting Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 If you ever are in a bad mood, just think of this energetic painting and you will feel fine again!

    Made by Merola64 for simchaotics Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 Energizer Painting Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 If you ever are in a bad mood, just think of this energetic painting and you will feel fine again!

    Made by Merola64 for simchaotics Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 Energizer Painting Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 If you ever are in a bad mood, just think of this energetic painting and you will feel fine again!

    Made by Merola64 for simchaotics Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 Energizer Painting If you can read this, Merola64 edited this object or it's base object. If you ever are in a bad mood, just think of this energetic painting and you will feel fine again!

    Made by Merola64 for simchaotics Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 Energizer Painting Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 If you ever are in a bad mood, just think of this energetic painting and you will feel fine again!

    Made by Merola64 for simchaotics Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 #Energizer Painting Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 #If you ever are in a bad mood, just think of this energetic painting and you will feel fine again!

    Made by Merola64 for simchaotics Sims2 - Needs Translation - batch1 di_nate_lightning1 di_nate_lightning3 di_nate_lightning2 di_nate_lightning4 di_nate_lightning5 object models ýÿ posterInvert untitled tree table ÿÿÿÿL 2 ? untitled tree table ýÿ< Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 Regarder Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 Critiquer Betrachten Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 Kritik Osserva Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 Critica Contemplar Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 CrÃ*tica Bekijken Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 Bekritiseren Kig Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 Kritik Titta pÃ¥ Tänk pÃ¥ The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 Ge kritik
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    Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18
    Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18
    Kritisoi Ver Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 Criticar 見る Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 批評 OglÄ…daj Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 OceÅ„ 查看 Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 批评 觀看 Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 è©•è«– มà¸*งดู Think of If you can read this, Merola64 edited this object or it's base object. วิจารณ์ ë°”ë?¼ë³´ê¸° Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 비í?‰í•˜ê¸° DÃ*vat se Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 Kritizovat #Ver #Think of The Sims 2 - Needs Translation - Batch18 #Criticar Interaction - Energize - By Merola64 € a6€ÿÿ üÿ d üÿ d üÿ d üÿ d üÿ d üÿ d ýÿüÿ d Interaction - Energize - By Merola64 - TEST € a€ÿÿ ýÿýÿ 496620796f752063616e207265616420
    626a6563742eDJBO2ú§A ` 6 fJBO2ú§A – ä BOLG2ú z P TOLS2ú€ Ê ž NOCB2ú h R NOCB2ú º J VAHB2ú a VAHB2ú e c SSTC2úÐ È ¯ VAWF2ú w S VAWF2ú Ê S VAWF2ú S VAWF2ú p S VAWF2ú à S #RTS2ú… V BATTðà€ l O sATTðà€ »! ú VAHB2ú µ' í VAHB2ú ¢( c 46EM46EM46EM) ”

    Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe,musst du Aaaaaaalles neu Installieren.
    Mein Kumpel hatte das auch noch,nur dass er keine Freunde in der Freundesliste hatte(er hatte mindestens 5 Freunde)...und die tauchten auch in der Familie auf.
    Da dachte er sich,kein problem,ist doch egal.
    Aber dass der Postbote und Erwin(der beste Freund) ausgetauscht worden sind(wenn ich erwin anrufe,kommt der postbote und bringt rechnungen und wenn der postbote kommt,will der postbote mit mir reden)
    Aber die härte ist:
    Wenn du den Erwinbote nicht magst(hasst)dann bringt der rechnungen(das ist passiert,als der mir rechnungen geben,wollte,da trat der bug auf)
    Das ist überall so!

    Ist es möglich sich ein Alien zumachen?
    Ich find es nicht,mit dem Alien!!!!!
    Es ist doch total stressig,ein Kind zu haben
    Mann muss Wünsche erfüllen,Bedürfnisse,blablablabla....
    Wie macht man dass beste drauß?
    Mit der Kamera:
    Wie kann ich die Filme in den Fernsehren der Sims ablaufen lassen? :Bond :sepp