Beiträge von mausal_23

    hi ich hab dieses lied auf irgendeinem radio sender aufgeschnappt finde aber leider weder interpret noch titel raus bin schon am verzweifeln wenn es wer kennt wäre ich dem jenigen sehr dankbar

    I was young and i was free
    when my daddy said to me
    listen what i´m telling you
    my whole life was hard and true
    I stand up for human rights
    and for .................... ....... ..... ....... ... one day
    i adore you daddy blue
    it will make a fool of you
    they say
    you can change this crazy world
    .................................................. love behind
    stay with me sometimes .............
    whats the secret to be strong
    oh daddy i believe you
    please help me
    oh daddy give me power for my fight
    i´m so young but i was free
    and my daddy said to me
    listen what i´m telling you
    my whole life was hard and true

    gesungen wird das lied von einer Frau