Axis & Allies

  • For those of you that want to play Axis & Allies over the internet, the easiest way to find opponents is to sign up at


    The games are played using triplea, which can be downloaded at


    Both the game and the war club is free.

  • Hi and welcome to

    As you can read in our wonderful OT-FAQ we do not tolerate adveritising in this message board, especially by users whose only purpose is to advertise, not to become a member of this community.
    By the way: this is a german community, as a consequence of that everybody is supposed to write in german so that we can make sure that everybody here has the ability to communicate. Not everybody understands english, so please write in german.

    *Advertising removed*
    *closed thread*


    [COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER]Niemand weiß, was in ihm drinsteckt,
    solange er nicht versucht hat, es herauszuholen.[/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]