The B-wUnDeRuNgStHrEaD

  • ich bewundere wiederum die Wortschöpfung (@ fasque "antibewunder" war das Wort)

    [SIZE=1]a shiver came quick, grabbed me up by the back of the neck and shook me down to the floor. through my shoes to the floor to the core of the earth. I muttered something swallowed some air, science miracles monkeys a prayer, I'll believe in anything when I'm there[/SIZE][SIZE=1] I'm certain I've said that before (unbekannte Quelle).[/SIZE]

  • altiiiiiiiiii!!!

    [center] I can't do the talks, like the talk on the TV
    And I can't do a love song, like the way it's meant to be.
    I can't do everything, but I'll do anything for you,
    I can't do anything, except be in love with you![/center]

  • Das ist keine Wortschöpfung. Das ist ein ganz normales Wort. Kann ich doch nix dafür wenn das nur die unpseudohaftigen Stammspammer kennen.

    aldiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Ai bewunder juh for se Bärnd. Sänk juh!

    [center]blinded by the absence of light


  • bärnd? wers bärnd oO XD

    [center] I can't do the talks, like the talk on the TV
    And I can't do a love song, like the way it's meant to be.
    I can't do everything, but I'll do anything for you,
    I can't do anything, except be in love with you![/center]

  • ich will auch was in dein ggb malen! wos das, fasquihasilein?

    [center] I can't do the talks, like the talk on the TV
    And I can't do a love song, like the way it's meant to be.
    I can't do everything, but I'll do anything for you,
    I can't do anything, except be in love with you![/center]

  • sänk ju !! mai wonderfel fasquiiiiiiiii!

    [center] I can't do the talks, like the talk on the TV
    And I can't do a love song, like the way it's meant to be.
    I can't do everything, but I'll do anything for you,
    I can't do anything, except be in love with you![/center]

  • aaaaaaaaaaaah, ich bin das glücklichste kleine kittyhäschen der welt!!!! ich hab die lotterie gewonnen :applaus :applaus :applaus

    ich bewundere dusk, die mir das erst möglich gemacht hat, by spending the money for a lotterielos! ai loaf ju!

    ich bin so glücklich!

  • Ich bewundere kitty dafür das sie sich traut in aller öffentlichkeit sich glückliches kleines kittyhäschen zu nennen!!!

    [CENTER][SIZE=1][SIZE=2]a[/SIZE] constellation of tears on your lashes [SIZE=2].[/SIZE][/SIZE]

  • Sänk ju fasque, ich werde ganz rot ._. soll ich mein geld auf den kopf hauen und mich kittyhäschen nennen XD? ai loaf ju ol, vor allem aber fasque :hug

  • kitty: !! kongrätuläischons! ju littel kittylein!

    [center] I can't do the talks, like the talk on the TV
    And I can't do a love song, like the way it's meant to be.
    I can't do everything, but I'll do anything for you,
    I can't do anything, except be in love with you![/center]

  • ich bwunder euch alle.
    und zaza weil er geträumt hat er hätte mir zum geburtstag gratuliert/ne sms geschrieben.

    und blechi besonders weil sie mit mir aufn tuna spiel will XXD

    [CENTER][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
    [/CENTER] Jeder Mensch lebt wie ein Uhrwerk