~*Let's talk about...- Der Englisch-Thread!*~

  • Haha. And that's why I never talk about secret things on ICQ, it's just so insecure *laughs*. And, don't hit me, but it's so cute that your friend asks him what he thinks of you :D.

    Only 18€ on your account? That's ... not much indeed :D. Learn to ... 'spar' ... er ... ah yes, save your money, Smieplie :D *borrows the index finger smiley from Juju*

    Das ist nicht die Sonne, die untergeht,
    sondern die Erde, die sich dreht.[/FONT][/center][/SIZE]

  • save money? me? yeah, right o_ô you say that like it's possible.
    i can't just save money. and i can't überziehen my account, so i always have only my pocket money on it, and nothing else.
    i only get 30 € every month. -.-

  • I think every Stefan is a bittle lit ... (am I drunk? :kopfkratz) ..., so, yeah, little bit strange. I just had informatics with one Stefan, and he reached a new level of boredom, one I had never known before, it was great fun :D.

    Smieplie - well, do you have to pay your school things, and your bus tickets (...if you need them?) from those 30€? If yes, then I'm sorry :D, if not - until I was 16, I only got 25€ as well, and I was still able to buy everything I wanted :p.

    Das ist nicht die Sonne, die untergeht,
    sondern die Erde, die sich dreht.[/FONT][/center][/SIZE]

  • *lol* I just said that all Stefans are a bit strange (which is true, admit it), and that's no insult, is it? :roftl
    *hides* *cries*
    I've got a headache :(. And I have to go to the doctor's in an hour, and after that - theory lesson in driving school. Blah. But well, that's okay, and I've got no homework to do, so :nixweiss ... Well. Speaking of "well", a friend, or rather aquaintance, comes back from the USA tomorrow (I think). I wonder how much she has changed..?

    EDIT: Oh yes, very good, sad, depressing poetry.

    Das ist nicht die Sonne, die untergeht,
    sondern die Erde, die sich dreht.[/FONT][/center][/SIZE]

  • it's not true. my brother isn't strange, he's the cutest thing ever! - well, he is strange, but in a good way. it's not his fault that his name is stupid; it's mine. remember dr. stefan frank, the tv series? -.-'
    you're 16 and you already go to driving school? i didn't know that's possible o_o

  • See? You can be strange in a good way, and that's what I meant, of course :fiu.
    Well, I'm doing the 'Führerschein mit 17', and since I will be 17 in August, that's okay and perfectly normal :D.

    EDIT: Ha! I just noticed that I've got 1337 'Renommeepunkte'. :thance Don't you dare give karma to me now, I want to be a geek for as long as possible :D!

    Das ist nicht die Sonne, die untergeht,
    sondern die Erde, die sich dreht.[/FONT][/center][/SIZE]

  • but he's at the hairdresser's today, i wonder what he looks like when he gets home. i hope they don't cut off too much hair :(
    and i wonder if he and my mum get me something from mcdonald's afterwards, cause i'm starving. i need a royal ts now.

  • The weather's so nice :), I'm really happy about the change.

    Well, I'm off again... :wink Bye! ...either till tomorrow or tonight, don't know yet :D.

    Das ist nicht die Sonne, die untergeht,
    sondern die Erde, die sich dreht.[/FONT][/center][/SIZE]

  • Yay, that's a great thread then!
    I just totally LOVE to talk in English - I'm so sad that my English teacher seems to be totally unable to speak any English. Usually he asks his questions in German - and he didn't dare us to pick English as our fourth Abifach (which means that we will have an oral exam). Probably because HE can't speak any English and wouldn't understand anyone of us talking to him rather fast :)

    [COLOR="White"][Center][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Doch die Welt vor mir ist für mich gemacht!
    Ich weiß sie wartet und ich hol sie ab!
    Ich hab den Tag auf meiner Seite, ich hab Rückenwind!

    [SIZE="1"]Peter Fox - Haus am See[/SIZE]

    Grüße an Josi, Siri, Mixi, nille und Anna[/FONT][/center][/COLOR]

  • Lucky girl!
    My teacher told me just today that I should have choosen the English-LK - well, I do know that. Maybe I would have got a better teacher then...

    well, I'm gonna read my Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban book now :)
    Love you all! :D

    [COLOR="White"][Center][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Doch die Welt vor mir ist für mich gemacht!
    Ich weiß sie wartet und ich hol sie ab!
    Ich hab den Tag auf meiner Seite, ich hab Rückenwind!

    [SIZE="1"]Peter Fox - Haus am See[/SIZE]

    Grüße an Josi, Siri, Mixi, nille und Anna[/FONT][/center][/COLOR]

  • hello, first: i'm new here, but I hope it is fun to write just in english..

    Well, second: I love english... but I hate my english teacher...XD
    What can I say? Today we wrote a test... a very difficult test...

    and I wanted to konw if you also had to write a composition on a test in the 8th class?

    is my english teacher so strict or has everybody such difficult tests...:)